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Follow the right fat loss strategies


No matter how hard you exercise and how healthy your diet you think it is, your fat-fighting mission will fail if you’re not following the right fat loss strategies.....
Most fitness enthusiasts find it hard to burn the flab for good and keep making silly mistakes that will only stall progress and lead to more weight gain, frustration and setbacks.
As a result, here are six strategies that can help you get rid of the fat for good, and in no time attain the body of your dreams:

Banish stress

Fat gain, especially around the middle, is intimately linked with high stress levels. When under stress, the body release chemicals called cortisol; though these hormones have their healthy functions, one of their downsides is fat gain.
Therefore, minimizing stress reduces cortisol levels, thus leading to better fat loss results.

Train with weights

If you’re not incorporating strength training into your exercise programme, then you’re doing yourself a big disservice.
Strength training is vital for fat loss because it burns colossal amounts of calories while enhancing insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake.
To get the best out of your strength training you need to keep changing your training approach regularly so you can blast through performance plateaus and steer clear of boredom.

Balance your fat intake

Fat intake is not that bad for you after all. In fact, you need an adequate amount of ‘good’ fat in your diet so you can ensure proper body functioning such as good metabolism and energy production.
You just need to get a balanced intake of it. Trans fats are the enemy as they will make you fat and lead to a myriad of health problems. Shoot for a nearly equal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fats.

Improve stomach acidity

Improving digestion is key to fast fat loss results. And one the best to do so is via improving acidity levels in your stomach so the food is properly and effectively broken down.
For that, take a hydrochloric acid (HC) supplement to enhance acid levels in your stomach and boost the assimilation of the vital nutrients such as protein, calcium, magnesium and other basic nutrients.

Eat your protein

Eating protein with every meal helps you feel full and satiated for long hours. Not only that, protein intake is vital for speeding up recovery and building muscle mass.
Make sure to include lean protein within your breakfast; cereal is bad for breakfast as it’s usually packed with sugars and additives.
On the other hand, starting the day with adequate protein intake is one of the simplest and healthiest decisions you can take to feel better and have more energy throughout the day.

Interval training

Going for a long cardio training session as a means for fat loss may prove futile. Instead, you need to change your training approach and opt for interval training.
Also known as high intensity interval training, this type of training is more challenging and forces your body to its limits. Interval training burns colossal amounts of calories, increases metabolism levels, builds muscle mass, and will help you get the body of your dreams in no-time.
About the author
David Dack is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.
If you want more free tips from David DACK, then go to  http://runnersblueprint.com/weightlossrunning.html and for a limited time you can download his 35-page Weight Loss By Running eBook  for FREE.

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