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Eating after a workout


Often, they consume more calories after a workout than what they had burned during the workout itself!

If you are aiming to shed some kilograms, then how can you prevent experiencing this calorie overcompensation while recovering from your workout?

Make healthier food choices

Firstly, try making healthier food choices during the day. Aim to include foods that have not been or have been minimally processed. These foods should include carbohydrates, fibre and protein. Remember that fibre as well as protein will take longer to digest than other foods, so this will assist in preventing you from overeating.

Be energised

You could also consume your meals in time to give you sufficient energy for your workout, as well as for your recovery process - for example, about two hours before you start your workout. Sufficient energy reduces the need for snacking.

Have a healthy meal

Alternatively you could enjoy a healthy meal a short while after a workout, so that there is no need for snacking at all.

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