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Could your travel to work help you lose weight?


Work transport and weight

How you commute to work every day can play a huge role in your ability to lose extra weight – and keep it off.

Walking or cycling are by far two of the healthiest ways to get to work, and you'll burn a ton of calories at the same time.

Public transport

By taking the train or bus to work, you're burning calories every day by:

  • Standing in queues, and

  • Walking from the station or stop to your office and back again

Commuting by car

Travelling to work by car is comfortable and convenient, but it can also be expensive to your pocket and your health – especially if you sit all day.

Here are a few ways to make this healthier:

  1. If possible, consider selling your car and using public transport, or walking or cycling to work.

  2. Make a point of parking your car further away and always use the stairs instead of the elevator.

  3. Find out if you can work flexi hours and avoid sitting in peak hour traffic.

No option but to drive to work

If you have no choice but to drive to work every day, make sure that you balance this out by taking a walk over lunch or when you get home.

Your commute to work can help you lose weight – as long as you're not sitting all the time.

Recommended reading: 3 Ways to burn an extra 300 calories a day

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