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5 Diet myths stopping you from getting a flat stomach

5 Diet myths stopping you from getting a flat stomach (© Africa Studio - Fotolia.com)
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They are generally caused by logic flaws associated with not thinking through the real issues of dieting but rather blindly following a couple of 'catch-all' phrases used by diet 'gurus'.

If you want to learn how to diet in a way that WILL help you get a flatter stomach, read take a look at these 5 diet myths stopping you from getting a flat stomach:

1. That gluten-free chocolate cake made with organic cocoa is OK to eat on diet right? In fact, I'll have two pieces...

If you're following the gluten-free lifestyle then what you're avoiding is wheat (mostly) and other products that contain gluten. Reasons for choosing this way of life vary.

Gluten-free cake may not make you feel sick, but it still puts the brakes on your weight loss.

From Celiac Disease (serious gluten allergy), to upset stomach and inflammation when you eat wheat - you just know you feel better when you don't eat those foods. If you're trying to lose weight you may give gluten a skip purely because most products that contain gluten are processed foods and they also usually contain sugar - neither of which is good for weight loss.

Here's the thing though... that gluten-free cake/muffin/bread/pasta is ALSO processed and ALSO contains sugar. IT"S STILL CAKE! Gluten-free does not equal diet-friendly. Cake will always be something you can’t eat a lot of. Gluten-free cake may not make you feel sick, but it still puts the brakes on your weight loss.

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