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Weight loss: How to stop these excuses from sabotaging your goals

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Eat lots of vegetables and fruit, some meat and fish and a bit of starch and grains; stay well hydrated; avoid processed and junk food; do some exercise; manage your stress-levels and rest well.

If it's so easy why are so few people in shape?

One possible reason is that we are so good at making excuses. We bend the truth of our reality and manufacture seemingly legitimate excuses to suit our lack of energy and motivation to change.

Here are 5 excuses you might be making that don't actually work:

Weight loss excuses (2)

1. I don't have time to eat right/exercise

You're right... You don't have time. Neither do I, and nor does anyone else living a productive life.

On the face of it, making extra time to exercise and eat differently seems impossible in our busy world. So what's the difference between you and the people who are doing it? They MAKE time, and know a few SECRETS.

Making time is easy. Get up 30 minutes earlier and do some bodyweight exercises in your lounge. You don't need to go to gym or run 100km to lose weight. ANY exercise is better than NONE.

Food prep is even easier. There are many foods you can use as weight loss tools that require NO time to prepare - like fruit, raw vegetables with dressing, nuts, and protein shakes. You can also learn to use one evening per week to cook enough healthy food for the rest of the week.

Click page 2 below to find out more excuses that are stopping you from reaching your goal weight, and how to overcome them:

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