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Lower the sugar content in burgers

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Consuming sugar in any form can add calories to your meal, so if you are watching your weight, be aware of just how much sugar you are taking in. Here are some suggestions:

What's in the patty?

When purchasing burgers, ensure that the patties are 100% pure meat as many burger patties are processed and often enough have sugar added to them to improve their taste. Read product labels or ask your waiter if unsure.


Sauces are often loaded with sugar so consider avoiding adding sauces to your meals. If that fails, try reducing the quantity of sauce that you consume or perhaps replace the sauce with another food item – a healthy one! Salads are a fabulous choice!


Don’t underestimate the calories contained in buns made from refined white flour. When you are purchasing burgers, opt for a whole-grain bun. You will enjoy the taste and flavour of your meal whilst keeping the calories down too!

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