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Top habits of successful dieters: Do THIS for long-term weight loss

(Fotalia:  #98866710)

Pareto's Law states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work

That implies that the other 20% of your results will require four times the effort to produce. Pretty crazy right?! I mean, do you need to be so ELITE at ANYTHING (except your profession maybe) that you can afford to work THAT hard at it?

People who diet successfully AND manage to have a life, do it by focussing their attention on the 20% that yields 80% of the results.

When it comes to weight loss and healthy eating, it's simple

Do the basics right. That means:

  • finding a good means of calorie control without starving yourself OR counting every little calorie
  • eating mostly plant-based foods
  • cutting out what you already know is bad for you.
If you can do those three things you will lose weight pretty effectively. [Tweet this]

Will you get a six-pack in twelve weeks? Maybe, but probably not. Will you get a six-pack eventually? Probably, if you exercise very hard and stick to the plan.

The GIANT question is can you afford to derail the rest of your life for the sake of pursuing a fad diet?

If you feel you can, go for it. If you are realistic enough to accept that you can't, then do the things suggested above. Believe me, they work, and they are relatively easy to incorporate into your lifestyle.

View the habits of successful dieters below:

  • Top habits of successful dieters: Start well
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