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Moderation is vital for weight loss

Itsra Sanprasert - 123rf.com

We all enjoy comfort foods, especially during winter when pastas are covered with creamy sauces or a mug of hot chocolate has one-too-many mini marshmallows added to it. Does this apply to you?


The key to losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is ‘moderation’. Simply eat in moderation. If you enjoy comfort foods then do so, but in moderation.

Try reducing your portion size, for example, use a smaller bowl for pasta instead of a supersized plate, or use a smaller mug for your high-calorie beverages instead of the big one you usually use... and don't have seconds!

Little changes

Making these little changes and cutting down on portion size will make a huge difference in the long term, when it comes to weight loss. You could similarly make other small changes such as drinking more water (warm it a little in winter) instead of tea or having a fruit as a snack instead of a slice of cake or a chocolate bar.

Don’t forget to include some exercise in your busy day of activities. A combination of healthy eating and exercise is essential for weight loss, after all.

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