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HCG Diet Recipe - What It Does To Reduce Your Weight

HCG Diet recipes aren't hard to find. Simply search the cyberspace and you are going to get a hold of several, all calculated, together with the HCG, to shed 1 to 2 pounds of fat off your body on a daily basis. However, there a few things you should know before taking some of the recipes as gospel truth.

The kind of HCG diet recipe you need should depend on what phase you are in, in the HCG diet program. There are four phases. The first phase is the preliminary phase in which you prepare your body for the complete HCG program. At this stage you may have to consider several health supplements to aid your system speed-up your metabolic process. The diet begins once you start taking the daily HCG hormones. The first three days is a special period. Your diet will be loaded with sugar and fat. The objective is to store enough fats in your body to provide enough reserve energy that will sustain you until the end of the weight loss program. The second period is the 500 calorie daily diet where all forms of sugary, oily and fatty foods are disallowed. Instead you will be loaded with fiber and protein rich foods and lots of liquid, preferably water, to build up muscles instead of fats and to detoxify your body.

The 500 calorie period is followed by the maintenance phase. By this time you are supposed to be trimmer and lighter. The purpose of the change in diet is to sustain your new physique. Some fats, gradually added, are now allowed but sugar and starch is sill off limits.

Once you are off the program entirely, meaning the shots are completed, a new diet is introduced. This diet ensures that you will not gain back the pounds you lost during the duration of the program. This will be your permanent diet. It will still be biased towards proteins and fibers but will add a modest amount of starch. However, heavily processed and fast foods, definitely, have no place in the kitchen.

HCG diet recipe in each of the program phase performs specific roles. Careful research on what foods to put in your table should help you ensure that your weight program is not impeded by wrong choice of recipe.
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