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5 Guaranteed Weight Loss Tips

People who are overweight or obese look to lose weight for 3 main reasons. The first two reasons go hand in hand. These two reasons are health and family. Many people often search for weight loss solutions because their family members are concerned about their health - and with good reason. Not many things in this life are guaranteed. One thing that is guaranteed however is, if you overeat and/or live a sedentary lifestyle, and simply try wish your excess weight away, it's not going to happen. On the flip side, there are ways to lose to lose weight that are guaranteed, but they require you to make a lifetime commitment to dietary changes accompanied by a daily exercise routine. The methods are simple, but dedicating yourself to following them may not be.

1. Use fluids to fill yourself up especially between meals. You should avoid taking fluids while you eat because it washes the food down to easily giving you more of an opportunity to eat larger amounts. Eating food "dry" means it takes longer to eat and you have to chew more, thus taking in more air.

2. Several servings daily of whole grains, starchy vegetables beans and peas. Several servings of raw or cooked vegetables.
Four or more servings of whole fruit daily. Not more than 2 servings of skimmed milk or non fat cheese.Not more than 100 grams of lean meat, daily. And remember chicken is better than meat, and fish is better than chicken.Optimally, limit poultry to no more than one serving per week,and red meat, to no more than one serving per month. If you are a vegetarian instead of animal protein, choose from beans, lentils, or peas.

3. Eating processed foods such as white rice, white breads and cakes is the equivalent to pouring sugar down your throat. It may taste good, but it has no real nutritional value. Instead, eat whole-grain breads and brown rice, foods that are rich in fiber. These foods help keep you full, do not cause such tremendous spikes in your blood sugar levels, and help keep your inside plumbing working properly.

4. Based on the information you have about yourself, try to set yourself aerobic exercises 6 days a week. This might sound like a lot but isn't, once you get into your routine, and that's what we're trying to establish here. Do things like fast walking, running, jumping rope or aerobics. Why not change it up and a bit of everything, to avoid boredom. If you have some money, you could get yourself an exercise bike or treadmill, so you don't have to even leave your house.

5. Instead of serving huge portions of food on over sized plates try to cut down on those portions. A tip for doing this is to reduce the target area for your food to go on. In other words use a smaller plate! By serving a smaller portion on a smaller plate it no longer look slike you are depriving yourself of food. Soon your stomach will get use to the new portions at which time you can reduce them even further onto an even smaller plate!
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