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Weight Loss: The A Factor - The #1 Secret to Sticking to Your Weight Loss Program!

Twenty years ago, I did not expect to accomplish what I have in the fitness world. And I surely didn't dream about writing best-sellingbooks or think my story was worth retelling. However, two things I did now; first by exercising and eating, it better allowed me to be involved in something much greater than me. And second, I was not afraid to ask for help and support.

We live in a world filled with pride, denial andlaziness. It's just that simple. Your success inweight loss, sports conditioning or generalfitness comes down to one simple thing: asking forhelp.

Our country used to be goal oriented. People used totake pride (good pride) in the fact that they werein the process of accomplishing something if they started to take care of themselves. Today,most want something for nothing. If that were notthe case, America would not be the fattest nation onearth and getting larger every day.

Very soon each one of you will either choose or beforced to take some personal responsibility inyour health and fitness levels. Forced? Yes! Thetruth is, the way things look, each one of you willeither face the music on your terms or some life changing circumstance is going to come your way that will force you to take a good long look at your health. Scare tactic, you betcha!

So what do you do? You get a medical check up ifnecessary and just start moving.


With all the fitness and diet programs out there,you would think people in our country would begetting in better shape. We're not. Why? All of usare confused, frustrated and burdened down at thecontradictory of medicine and fitness for onereason, and the other reasons involve issues wehave already discussed. The key in motivating yourself to exercise is to keep your eye on the big picture. If you don't, the details will become a quicksand pit. The big picture is:


So much money and time is spent on gimmicks anddiet fads that only get used for a short time,with little or no results.

The big picture is about being realistic, not tohave high expectations, but to focus on internalhealth issues, such as blood pressure, body fat,cholesterol levels and a quiet mind. Thechallenge is that you have grown accustomed tobeing motivated by instant gratification. It ismore of a priority to look good rather than tohave lower stress levels.

You get frustrated because you are trying to fighta battle you can't win with something fast andeasy. It's called aging. You blame aging on otherthings in hopes there is something out there thatyou can do or take that will get you the resultsyou want in the shortest amount of time. The truthis while good looks are a good measurement; theyare only perks in the big picture.


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Next you ask for directions and support. This maybe the make or break it area in your success ingetting in better shape. When developing a goodsupport system, there are important things toremember. Here are a few things to mark off yourchecklist when you are building personal fitnessaccountability.

What kind of people do you associate with?

***Toxic - Non-supportive, pessimistic, victimmentality.

***Non-Toxic - Encouraging, happy, forwardthinkers.

Do you consider yourself to be a prideful person?(Is it hard for you to ask for directions?

***Asking for support is a sign of strength notweakness.

When was the last time you went on a vacation?

***Rewarding yourself for hard work motivates youto push harder and stay focused.

Do you have any honest and authentic people aroundyou?

***Find a trustworthy friend to help you, with yourgoals

Do you have anyone you admire?

***Find someone you can model.

Your weight loss, energy levels and general healthcan start changing today if only you are notafraid to ask for help. Good luck and keep an openmind.

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Discover the five step common sense way to lose weight and stick to a program. A formula the medical and fitness industry DON'T want you to know about! Greg Ryan is a well known author of the Changing from the"INSIDE OUT" book series.

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