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Best Way To Lose Fat And Keep Muscle

Before you begin any type of special diet or workout program, you much commit yourself to achieving your goal, for if you do not you are simply wasting your time and efforts as well as becoming your own obstacle. So make up your mind to do and then stick to it.

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So, the way you will lose body fat and keep your muscles is very simple, drink water! Think of the water and other fluids of your motor vehicle, fluids lubricate, and without them you virtually get no where. Water is essential for flushing and rejuvenating your body. Without it there is no growth of any kind especially muscle. Drink at least a gallon of water or more a day. Keep some handy all the time, no matter where you may be.

In order to achieve your bodybuilding goals you will have to consume the proper foods in small servings at intervals of 5 or 6 per day. In order for your metabolism to work as effectively as possible while burning calories. It is best to counsel with your physician before major change in diet. However, you may want to consider reducing your daily calorie intake beginning around 150 to 200 and reducing as you see necessary. Your energy productivity and reflection will be your best guides. You need 50 % protein for building your muscle tissue, 40 % carbohydrates for fueling your body and 10 % fats for energy reinforcement of your body.

Exercise early in the day. Morning is best since this time frame offers you the most benefits of building muscles or burning fat.

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The following sessions should never be consecutively done to achieve the best of all exercising influences. Two build muscles and the other burns fat. Therefore, the best way to keep up with it is to train one day and do cardio workouts the next.

Keep cardiovascular workouts short and sweet at three to four times weekly of either one 30 minute workout or two 15 minute workouts. Remember to warm up and cool down within those time periods or you don't want any kind of injuries. Commit to cardio workouts on days that you do not do weight-train.

Weight training three to four days weekly should alternate with your cardiovascular workouts days. You can build muscle mass by weight-training for an hour while concentrating on one or two muscle groups each session.

Resistance training five to six days weekly in short intense sessions prove the most influential when concentrating on one or two muscle groups. However, if you do two or three heavy sets of exercises do not workout longer than thirty to forty-five minute session. Keep your repetitions lower for resistant overload for growth.

So there you have it, when you want to build muscle and burn fat you have to drink lots of water, eat right, mind your calories and alternate your workout sessions.

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