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Love Handles - How to Get Rid of Them

If you are searching for a Losing Weight and Losing Those Love Handles cure then you are not alone. Many people try to lose weight and hope to lose their love handles but very few of them actually achieve any long-term weight loss, and thus a reduction in their love handles. Much of this is down to the confusion on what is the best way to lose weight.

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There are a number of factors that need to be addressed if you really want to lose weight successfully. The best way to lose weight is being on a calorie-controlled diet and participating in some form of aerobic exercise. Then you would be Losing Weight and Losing Those Love Handles

So why exactly did you put on the weight in the first place?

In many respects, the cause sounds simple. You put on weight (fat) if the amount of energy in the foods and drinks that you eat is greater than the amount of energy that you use or burn up. The energy from foods and drinks that you do not use is converted into fat. Some of this fat will hang around your stomach and back and this is then referred to as love handles.

Put into simple terms before Losing Weight and Losing Those Love Handles you have to use or burn off more calories than you take in.

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Now another two very important areas need to be addressed when losing weight.

Losing Weight and Losing Those Love Handles can only be lost through proper diet together with some form of aerobic exercise. This type of exercise will help burn the fat directly and, over the course of time, fat levels will reduce around the love handles as well as many other areas.

The final part of the jigsaw for Losing Weight and Losing Those Love Handles

No weight-loss plan will work unless you have a serious desire to lose weight. The motivation and dedication to lose the weight is probably more important than the actual diet itself. If you that is YOU are not totally dedicated to losing the weight then no diet however expensive or comprehensive will achieve the results you wish.

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