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Boost the Fat Burning Process with the Best Fat Burning Tips

Discovering ways to increase the amount of fat burning going on is a really effective method of speeding up the process of losing weight.   Using fat burners, although unhealthy, is the easy path to take or you can stick to the older and less harmful options open to you.   Here are ten of the best fat burning tips to get rid of the body's excess fat.

1.  Take in fewer calories than previously.  It goes without saying if you eat less you are going to weigh less.  However, the secret when you are on a fat burning diet is not to overdo things.  When you dramatically reduce your calorie intake your energy level and your metabolism rate drop and this can be counterproductive.

2.  Substitute complex carbohydrates with vegetables.  For example, replace one cup of rice with two cups of broccoli.  By eating vegetables which are more often than not lower in calories you will be able to eat enough food to fill you up without exceeding your daily calorie target.

3.  Make sure the fats you eat are of the good fat variety.  For instance, your body needs food providing omega-3 fatty acids as it cannot produce this essential nutrient itself.

4.  Never miss a meal.  You would be forgiven for thinking that by missing a meal you are reducing your calorie intake but this really is not the case.  By starving yourself earlier on in the day you will only be hungrier later on and grabbing something you fancy to eat just before bedtime is not the way forward.  Patience is the key.   The weight you are trying to get rid of didn't appear overnight and neither will it disappear overnight.

5.  Calculate how many calories you need to eat each day to reach your desired goal and then break your meals down eating smaller amounts at more regular intervals.

6.  Lower your intake of animal fats by opting for lean meat and cutting down on dairy fats.  Fats are good for you remember, but only the good ones!

7.  Step up the amount of protein you eat.   If you don't do this and you have decreased the amount of calories you are taking in you are likely to start losing muscle mass.   According to the RDA, the recommended amount of protein is 0.8g/kg but you may wish to increase this level to 1.5-2g/kg if you are carrying out endurance workouts and resistance training as this often quickly breaks down muscle protein.

8.  When your body is dehydrated the weight training you are doing becomes inefficient and your metabolism slows down so make sure you drink plenty of water, without going too over the top.

9.  Before embarking on a training session it's good to eat complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, nuts, seeds, sweet potatoes and whole-wheat bread.

10.  As you cannot expect to lose weight in 24 hours, when you are following a body fat burning diet the chances are you will be on it for a few months so it's important not to completely rule out your favourite foods. Even eating chocolate and ice-cream is acceptable as long as it is eaten as a treat or reward and, of course, in moderation.

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