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The 1 Type Of Exercise You Should Do For Weight Loss

If you get on a treadmill every day in an effort to lose weight, then you're not making the most of your time. Or if you have started lifting weights, you may be doing it wrong if your goal is to lose weight and not build up your muscles. Here's the one type of exercise you need to do to lose weight.

Weight lifting is by far the best way to workout to stimulate your body to burn fat and keep it off permanently. The metabolic boost you get from lifting heavy weights is far above that of jogging or walking. But to get the most out of your workouts, you have to lift properly.

This means doing multi-joint compounds lifts instead of isolation lifts that only involve one of your joints. When you do these smaller exercises, while they can still be good, they don't work near as much muscle.

Think about this: if you do a bicep curl, you're working what muscles? Your bicep and forearms right? Not too impressive.

But if you do a multi-joint compound move like bench presses what muscles are you working? Your chest, triceps, shoulders, forearms, and even your core. That's much more muscle mass being used, which means more calories burned now and later (during the healing process)

So why waste your time with small single joint exercises? Instead just stick to the big stuff and give your body a full workout everytime. This will help you build strong, lean muscle instead of bulk up, while still getting the huge fat burning benefits of weight lifting.

Your next step is to CLICK HERE NOW to learn the real way to lose weight for good, no more yo-yo dieting! Making small changes in your lifestyle is the only sure way to get healthy and stay slim for life.

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