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Fat Loss Troubleshoot

If you follow what the book say you will lose fat. These books are full proof and even if you have a metabolic disturbance, it can set you back on the right track.

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There are no training myths or food phobias in this book. You should learn what the right thing to eat is for how you feel yourself.

I would recommend putting a heavy focus on reading MRM and taking it from there. Making sure you rest and really understand your condition is key.

I have spent a very large amount of time working with those that deal with or in the past dealt with an eating disorder. You have a voice in these books.

Currently I am not taking on any new clients but always keep a look out for way that we can work together via blog, mailing list, or forums. I randomly offer challenges or phone consults to my readers.

Not at the moment. There are however some really cool technologies now that make traveling with ebooks really fun. I highly recommend the Sony Reader .

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"Leigh is funny, to the point, and never fails to answer all my questions no matter how stupid I might feel afterwards. I am so glad to have found Leigh, it changed my life."

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