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You've Finished the Six Week Body Makeover Program, so Now What?

I probably have more work to do on the backside of whatever program or regimen people are on, then before or during. This has to do with the how human nature works and how we all generally fall into a couple simple groups when it comes to exercise and fitness.

There are people who can formulate a plan and those who can’t. There are those who will act on a plan and those who won’t. There are those who will follow through and do the program as laid out.   With each successive responsibility, you lose a certain segment of people.  That’s just how life is.

When you talk about the most important step of all, you lose another large group of those finishers, but not without a fight. Your finishers are often left with sort of a feeling of loss or not exactly knowing what to do next. When we don’t know what to do next, we can freelance.

It is important to understand that finishing a program does nothing for you long term if you can’t  build on it and make the important lessons sustainable for years to come. In the case of the Michael Thurmond Diet Program Six Week Body Makeover, the lessons of what you should be eating must become part of your daily choices. I do generally find it far fetched to believe you will remain in the regimen for years on end. What your goal should be is to simply incorporate what you learned from the experience and apply it daily. 

With exercise, you hopefully have learned the importance of identifying problem areas and attacking them with movements designed specifically for your desired results. Besides what’s in the program, there are too many exercises to count on line for no cost.

We know that Michael Thurmond Diet Program is first and foremost a nutrition-first plan for weight loss. The principals are about eating less more often, preparing your meals in advance to avoid falling back on fast foods or quickie processed foods, and an overall limiting of those processed foods. To the extent that you can do these things and do them consistently well, you will maintain and grow the results that you only started achieving. You will not be perfect but that isn’t the goal. The goal is seamless living without worry because you are armed with knowledge.

The Michael Thurmond Diet Program is not a 6 week program or at least it shouldn’t be.


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