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Can You Lose Weight Eating Fruit?

My first reaction to the question ‘Can you lose weight eating fruit?’ is that yes you can. But of course this will depend upon a few factors. Including how much fruit are you planning on eating and are you still going to be including other nutrients into your diet?

If you aren’t in the habit of eating fruit then add fruit into your diet gradually. Some fruits if eaten in quantity can have an adverse effect on your stomach, this includes too many apples, plums, dried prunes and more. To really determine if you can lose weight eating fruit then you want to keep a record of your current weight. Then keep a daily food journal with a record of all your foods including how much fruit you ate. Then at the end of every week you can see if you have lost weight.

Remember too that it takes time for your body to adjust to a new eating regimen. So if you haven’t lost weight in the first week then just keep going. Try adding a few glasses of water into your schedule as well. Can you lose weight eating fruit alone? Even though this is quite possible and some detox and cleansing diets recommend this your body will not be getting enough nutrients. This could leave you feeling fatigued and this can rebound into your professional and personal live.

If you plan on performing a cleansing by using lemons or grapefruits then carefully monitor how you feel each day. Try not to do too many days without eating some form of protein as this will help keep you feeling energized. If your goal for the question ‘can you lose weight eating fruit’ is a long term goal then I would advise you to seek the help of a nutritionist. This way you can be certain that you are fuelling your body adequately.

Remember that if you chose to lose weight while eating fruit alone you may see a huge weight loss. But when you start to incorporate solid foods back into your diet you may gain some of those pounds back. This is perfectly normally and your body will then adjust itself again.

There are some additional side effects that could affect you attempt a fruit diet. You can experience constipation or diarrhea as well as gas and/or bloating. So to really answer the question ‘can you lose weight eating fruit’, the answer is yes you can, this might be the healthiest way to lose weight.

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