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Transform Your Body

Transform Your Body

Losing weight can be very frustrating and overwhelming at times, but with the right guidance and perseverance, losing weight can become something that can transform your whole entire life. Losing weight should be about your health, losing weight should be about reaching the goals you set for yourself, and losing weight should be your success. I am here to point you in the right direction to the path of success to reach your ultimate goals and get the body you truly deserve.

So what does success look like?

Success does not start with the weight. The first thing that should be taken into consideration when deciding to lose weight is your waist size. Measuring at the belly button your waist size will let you know if you have belly fat that needs to be removed or if your waist is the right size in comparison with your height.

Determine what size your waist should be.

Take your initial height and multiply it by 12 (12 inches in a foot) once you have your height in inches add 1 to that number. Divide the sum of that by 2 and you'll have the correct size your waist should be.

Formula: (( Height x 12) + 1) /2

Enough with the math!

If your waist size is bigger than the number it should be then you have too much belly fat going on. This belly fat can cause some problems in your health affecting the omen-tum. Which is discussed in this blog here.

My first concern is your health. How can we improve your health and make you a healthier person as whole?

There are 5 keys you should always know and keep track in order for good health.

5 keys



Blood pleasure


Fasting blood sugars

These 5 things should be measured and tracked at least once a month.

The Weight

This is where the weight comes in. These 5 keys are all connected mostly to your weight. Even a small loss can make a huge difference in the other 4 keys. There are four simple steps you can immediately start applying in your daily routine to just lose at least 10 pounds.

How to start losing weight immediately

fiber foods High fiber breakfast

High fiber breakfast will keep you going all day long.

Snacks smaller than fist

Eat snacks and wash them out with water to get that temptation to eat more snacks out of your system.

Go to sleep within three hours of bedtime

Go to sleep without the extra calories and wake up feeling nourished, and you sleep better!

Move 30 mins a day

Like I said, try tracking your weight and waistline weekly of monthly.

Share this information with your loved ones, because first thing before anything is your health and the health of others. The human body has to be healthy in order to be able to function properly.

I know we all make mistakes and we all get off track sometimes but just get back on track stop beating yourself up about it.


Share this information with someone you know. Tell them about the weight and waistline and how important it is to take all of this into consideration when making the decision to lose weight.

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