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Week 3: Three Little Words

Last updated: Sep 01, 2011

By Colleen

Here are three words to describe my training this week. Im trying to be more succinct, and really, three words are all I need. Are you ready?

OK, here goes:

Earthquake. Hurricane. Tornado.


Remember last week when I wrote that this was going to be the hardest week? I swear I wasnt throwing out a challenge to Mother Nature. Still, Im keeping my mouth shut from now on because after this week, I am not taking any chances.

OK, maybe I need four more words: Worst. Training. Week. Ever. I was only able to work out on three days, thanks to the power outages, post-storm cleanup, and time spent trying to calm the kids, who refused to sleep in their own beds. (Note: King-size beds are great for you and the hubby, but they get pretty small when you add four kids and a large dog to the mix.)

And of those three training sessions, only one was a run. Yep, thats it—one run. So I could look at this two ways. The first is the "there's no way you will ever be able to do this now" way. The second is the "if you can make it through this week, you can do anything" way. That's the one I've chosen—after all, we were lucky enough to survive the week. My family is safe, we had limited damage to our home, and things could have been so much worse.

Although disappointed with my progress, I've decided to acknowledge it and move on. The fact is, I'm never going to live in a perfect world in which everything works out. I have to be able to roll with the punches, and this past week showed me that the voice inside my head that says "keep going, you can do it" is getting stronger.

I'm looking forward to Week 4.
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