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Weight Loss Tip #40 – ‘Soup’erb way to lose weight!

Hunger will always be a dieter’s worst hindrance. Soup is a gentle marriage between food and water. The first one, famous for providing calories to the body and the latter hydrates and helps make you feel fuller. Soup, on the whole can definitely give you two benefits at a time and helps you avoid those annoyingly frequent hunger pangs.

Here are some things to keep in mind while considering soups to lose weight:

1) Soups with a creamy topping will not benefit you much in your weight loss regime. In fact, it would result in adding up of excess weight.

2) Try consuming homemade soups primarily, such as sweet corn soup or tomato soup.

3) Discarding the vegetable stalk may result in the loss of proteins and other essential nutrients, so avoid doing that.

4) You may even add chopped garlic and other spices in reasonable quantities, since they act as a catalyst in the burning of calories.

5) Although one bowl of packaged readymade tomato soup can give your body upto 91 to 105 calories, it is advisable to avoid their regular consumption as their sodium content is high.

So, stock up on baby corn and tomatoes for this monsoon and enjoy a nice hot bowl of homemade soup when you step in from the damp and cold. (Read: Tomato soup recipe — slurp its healthy goodness!)


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