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Weight Loss Tip #66: Perform lunges to lose weight from your lower body

Lunges for weight loss

If you are looking at losing fat from your lower body, then lunges can help you achieve your goal. It is one of the most effective exercises for shaping and toning your thighs. Lunges engage the muscles of your hamstrings and simultaneously work your glutes and quadriceps. Strengthening these large muscle groups can increase your metabolism and thus, help you lose weight at a faster pace.

With an adequate number of repetitions, you can not only tone your thighs but also your buttocks. When doing this exercise, you also engage your core muscles including your back and your abdominals. This exercise also helps you stretch your hip flexors, improving its flexibility and strength.

Lunges are a functional and multi-joint exercise, which require you to have a proper balance and posture. The steps of this exercise can be modified according to your fitness levels. If you are a beginner, perform your lunges in front of a mirror to ensure that you are in the right form. Once you have mastered the exercise, you can do it anywhere you want to. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you do the perfect lunge.

While lunges are very effective in toning your lower body part, you should always combine them with cardio and other strength training exercises to lose weight more effectively. Also make sure that you are taking in fewer calories and following a balanced diet.

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