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Weight Loss Tip #141 – Look for an online weight loss buddy to stay motivated


It’s a well known fact that there are no shortcuts for losing weight the healthy way. We’ve all heard and read about crash diets and other such radical methods of losing weight faster to achieve a svelte body. In fact, a few of my friends who managed to knock off a lot of weight within a short span of time admitted to starving themselves which only caused hair loss, dark circles under their eyes and other side-effects like dry skin.

On the other hand, when they only cut down on junk food and eating outside and started exercising at home regularly, they felt healthier and were happier with the results. The only challenge is staying motivated for several months on end to avoid putting on weight again. If you are struggling to stay on track with your fitness goals, you could find an online weight loss buddy to lose a few more kilos.

A study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface in 2015 extensively evaluated the effectiveness of online weight management communities. The researchers tracked the online activity and weight change of 22, 419 members over a period of six months following which they found having just one weight loss buddy can help in losing more weight [1]. On an average, an individual lost around 4% to 8% more weight after six months with the help of an online weight loss buddy.

While in India, there are no online weight loss programs, you do have options where you could keep in touch with a nutritionist via text messages and phone calls to get constant advice on how to eat healthier.

One such option is The Weight Monitor where all your weight loss queries will be answered by nutritionists within minutes after signing up for at least three months. This helps in saving your commute time to a nutritionist’s clinic. Here’s how a diet buddy can help you.

How to find an online weight loss buddy

However, if you don’t want to shell out Rs 3000-Rs 5000, you can look for other people trying to lose weight through social media platforms like GOQii, Instagram, Quora and Twitter. GOQii organises several local fitness events and also free advice from a nutritionist.

Join online forums and weight loss threads and post your queries. You will be surprised to find out how others are facing the same challenges as you. Once you start a conversation with someone who is also looking for a weight loss buddy, try staying in touch via Facebook or WhatsApp. Share your contact details only if you feel you can trust the person and after having several conversations with her. Once you have built a rapport, keep in touch with your online weight loss buddy and swap weight loss ideas and diet plans regularly.

Share your progress with her and encourage her to do the same. If you haven’t been exercising on cheating on your diet, talk to her about it. You will find yourself feeling more motivated and focused.

If you’re not comfortable talking to strangers online, contact your old friend who now lives in another city or country. If she’s also trying to lose weight, use technology to help each other. Did you know, researchers are developing a software generated cyber buddy for weight loss?


[1] Poncela-Casasnovas J, Spring B, McClary D, et al. Social embeddedness in an online weight management programme is linked to greater weight loss. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2015;12(104):20140686. doi:10.1098/rsif.2014.0686.

Image Source: Shutterstock


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