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Control Your Calories Intake To Maintain Weight

Weight loss or loosing weight in the context of medicine or physical fitness, is a loosing of the total body weight. If any amount of weight loss results � that is due to a mean loss of fluid or body fat. There are many ways and techniques to loose weight, but it is not always easy to maintain and lose weight. The key to successful weight loss is to making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you want to keep for the rest of your life.

Generally few questions arise while discussing about ways to loose weight and other related topics. One of those questions is; can I benefit from weight loss?

Can I benefit from weight loss?

And the answer is; yes obviously, you can avoid some weight related health problems, it includes the following:-

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • High cholesterol

  • High blood pressure

  • Stroke

  • Some forms of cancer

If you are obese according to your Body Mass Index (commonly known as BMI) and then you loose weight, it will surely benefit you health wise.

A weight loss (In case if you are obese) 5% to 15% of body weight may improve your health and quality of life, and prevent above mentioned health problems.

Types of weight loss:-

  • Control your food intake

  • Enough calories needed to maintain weight

  • About 1,600 calories a day for inactive women (who don’t work out much to burn calories)

  • About 2,200 calories a day for inactive men and active women

  • About 2,800 calories a day for active men

Your body weight is controlled by the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn each day. To lose weight you need to intake fewer calories than you burn it. You can strictly follow this by creating a diet plan healthy eating.

Regular Exercise

It is impossible to lose weight and keep it off without exercising regularly. Start out by taking a brisk walks or riding a bike. Work your way up from 10 minutes to 30-40 minutes a day, most days a week, and you could reap health benefits and weight loss results in a matter of weeks. Plus, exercise boosts your metabolism, making it even easier to lose weight.

Non Medical program

A non- medical program may follow a program on your own by using a professional counselor, weight loss tip’s book, website providing genuine weight loss tips on the basis of proven fact and figures and weight loss product. You can also join others in a support group or weight loss community based program. A non- medical weight loss program usually requires you to use the program’s foods or supplements.

Medical program

A medical program provides services in a health care setting, such as a hospitals and clinics. One or more licensed health professionals, such as medical doctors, nurses, registered dietitians, and psychologists, provide care. Medical programs may offer services such as physical activity (exercise tips), nutrition education (diet plans) and behavior change therapy. Some programs offer prescription weight loss pills such as Reductil.

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