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whole wheat bread

I get so confused reading food labels.  Everyone says it's best to get "100% whole wheat" products and whole grain products.  Well, I look at the labels for 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread and it has loads of sugar (all brands).  Regular wheat bread seems to be the same as white bread with no fiber.  What the heck should I be choosing for weight loss and lifestyle changes?  Which whole wheat bread is best?  It appears the "light" bread may be a better choice.  It has 40 calories per slice whereas 100% whole wheat can have over 100 calories per slice.  Please help!

Hello Michelle,
This is Mark. A while back on allexperts.com you asked me a question. I'm just doing a follow up to see how you are? I also wanted to inform you that I just started an email newsletter related to nutrition and exercise. It will keep you up to date on shocking nutritional information and give you ideas of new exercises. If you'd like to join this FREE newsletter just email me at [email protected] .

To Your Success!
Mark Shields
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