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I am trying to loose about 30lbs. as quickly as possible because of an upcoming modeling photo shoot. I read some where that if you combine the right kinds of food you'll loose weight fast.I am on the road a lot, so can you give me tips on what foods to combine to get rapid weight loss?    
Answer -
HI Marie

Food combining is very difficult to get used to and also to figure out what you should eat.  To lose weight rapidly it would be so much easier to go on a quick weight loss diet.  Here is the information on food combining. To do this diet correctly you would need to either borrow or buy the book on foods that you should combine.

Supporters claim weight loss occurs when foods are eaten in certain combinations: 70 percent fruits and vegetables and 30 percent starches and animal proteins.

There are several food-combining diets on the market. Their basic recommendation is as follows:

In order to optimize digestion and weight loss, you should avoid eating certain foods as part of the same meal. For example, you should not eat carbohydrates with proteins. Some versions advocate eating only fruit or fruit juices before noon. A typical food-combining diet lasts for 5 weeks, although some versions are indefinite.

There is no hard scientific evidence to support food-combining diets. The idea that weight loss becomes more likely if you separate certain foods, is completely without foundation.

What you eat
Typically, for the first 10 days, you may eat only fruit. Thereafter, a small amount of bread and butter is permissible with a few vegetables.

Towards the end of the third week, some meat/shellfish is allowed. Some food combining plans permit 'sweet-allowances' and a range of high fat treats like cheesecake, others don't.Other dos and don'ts of food combining may include (a) No foods to be consumed that are either very hot or very cold. (b) No aluminum pans to be used during cooking. (c) Allow 4 hours between protein meals and starch meals.

A food combining diet may benefit you for a couple of days, as a type of 'de-tox' diet. Also, due to the very-low calorie nature of the early stages of the diet, weight loss is virtually assured. Indeed, one could rename it 'Very-Low-Calorie-Diet'. ?br>
Lacking firm scientific basis, many food-combining diets provide inadequate vitamins and minerals. Also, they may fall below minimum recommended calorie levels.Verdict
Although unscientific, it's a fact that food combining diets have helped a number of people with dietary and weight loss problems. So if you've tried most conventional weight loss diet plans, maybe give food combining a try.


Thank so much for the advice. What kind of quiock weight loss diet? Like low calories or fat? Thanks.- Marie
Answer -
HI Marie

I am sending you two different rapid weight loss diets along with a list of negative calorie foods.  This gives you a choice of how you want to lose weight. I didn't list the Scarsdale Diet but it works very well and I have used it several times myself.

ALL foods contain some calories, but it is believed by many (including some doctors) that some foods take up more caloric energy to digest then the calories that are in them resulting in what is called the "negative calorie effect".  The more "negative calorie effect" foods you eat, the more you may lose!

In 1929, Dr. Lindlahr created a list of foods that he claimed burned fat at an incredible rate and which helped to detoxify the body and increase metabolism (great for those with low thyroid).

These are some of the foods on his list:


cabbage (green)
cauliflower celery
chili peppers
garlic lettuce


lemons mangos
pineapple raspberries

The secret is to fill up on negative calorie foods during the day and eating a healthy well-balanced regular meal at supper time.   

There are different ways to incorporate negative calorie foods into the early part of your daily diet. You can make a variety of fruit smoothies or fruit salads for breakfast.  For lunch, enjoy a large crispy vegetable salad and include a 4-oz portion of lean meat from the list.

The Mayo Clinic Diet:

1/2 grapefruit or 8oz unsweetened juice.
2 Eggs any style
2 Slices of bacon
Black coffee or tea, no sugar

1/2 grapefruit or 8oz unsweetened juice.
Salad and or raw veggies (any dressing, {not low fat or fat free})
Meat (Cooked any way)

1/2 grapefruit or 8oz unsweetened juice.
Meat (cooked any way)
Vegetables (any green or red, may be cooked in butter or Seasoning or a salad as above)
Black coffee or tea, no sugar

(opt) 8oz Tomato juice or skim milk

1. At any meal you may eat until you are full, and you can not eat anymore. You must eat the minimum listed listed at each meal.
2. Do not eliminate anything from the diet, especially don't skip the bacon at breakfast or omit salads. It is the combination of foods that burn the fat.
3. The grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process.
4. Cut down on coffee, it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to one cup each meal.
5. Don't eat between meals, if you eat the combination of food suggested, you will not get hungry.
6. The diet may eliminate sugars and starches. Fat does not form fat, it helps burn it, so you can fry food in butter and use butter generously on vegetables.
7. Do not eat desserts, breads and white vegetables of sweet potatoes. You may double or triple helpings of meat, salads or vegetables. Eat till you are stuffed. The more you eat the more weight you will lose.
8. There may be no weight loss in the first 4 days, but you may lose 5 pounds on the 5th day. You may lose 1 and 1/2 pounds every two days until you reach your goal.



YOU MAY NOT HAVE: White onions, potatoes, celery, peas, cereal, carrots, corn, starchy vegetables, bread, noodles, rice, potato chips, pretzels or fruit or diet dressing.

YOU MAY HAVE: Red onions, bell peppers, radishes, broccoli, cucumbers, green onions, leaf spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, green beans, lettuce, chili (no beans) mayonnaise, any cheese, hot dogs, cole slaw, regular salad dressing, green vegetables, 1tsp nuts, dill or bread and butter pickles.


Three Day Diet

The miracle diet works on the chemical break-down of certain foods on the body. It delivers an average of 1,000 calories per day. Remember to follow these guidelines:

1. Consult your doctor before starting the diet.
2. Do not skip meals.
3. Drink four to eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily.
4. Do not add fats when preparing food.
5. This diet should be used for three days--followed by four days of normal eating. You can lost 40 lbs. a month if you stick to it.

Day 1

Half grapefruit
1 slice toast, 2 tbs. peanut butter
Black coffee or tea

Half cup tuna, plain
1 slice toast
Black coffee or tea    

3 slices of any meat (4-6 oz. before cooking)
1 cup of string beans
1 cup beets
1 small apple
1 cup vanilla ice cream (Must be Healthy Choice or any other low-fat ice cream)

Day 2

1 egg
Half banana
1 slice toast
Black coffee or tea

1 cup cottage cheese
6 Saltine crackers

2 hot dogs
1 cup broccoli
Half cup carrots
Half banana
Half cup vanilla ice cream (Healthy Choice)

Day 3
5 Saltine crackers
1 slice cheddar cheese
1 small apple
Black coffee or tea

1 hard-boiled egg
1 slice toast    

1 cup of tuna, plain
1 cup beets
1 cup cauliflower
Half cantaloupe
Half cup vanilla ice cream (Healthy Choice)

Important: do not vary any of the above foods. And yes, low-fat vanilla ice cream is an important part of each day on this diet!

Let me know if you need added information.

Take Care

Wow- Thanks!
On the Three Day Diet, instead of the coffee or tea, can you have water? And can the tea have sugar?
Again, thanks so much. I know that I can have success with either diet you mentioned! -- Marie


Answer -
HI Marie

You can have all of the water that you want.  With the tea you can't have any sugar but you can use the artificial sweetners.  They are both good diets because you are able to stay full and that is really important when you are trying to lose weight.  

Take Care

Hi it's me again! With the Mayo Clinic Diet, what kind of unsweetened juice can you get? I haven't seen any containers that say unsweetened. Does that mean no sugar at all or no sugar added? Most juices have sugar, but normally it says 100% juice- is this ok to drink? And do you have to drink the juice first at the beginning of each meal? Thanks for everything!
Answer -
HI Marie

That is exactly what you want if possible--the 100 percent juice with no added sugar.  I drank the grapefruit juice which I am not that fond of but it seemed to help fill me up.  I think drinking the juice at least 15 minutes before each meal will help to dimish your appetite.

Here are some tips on what to look for when you are buying different juices.

Look for the "percent juice" disclosure. All beverages that contain juice or picture fruit on their label are required to tell you how much juice is present. Look for labels that say "contains 100 percent juice." You'll be amazed at the number of juice drinks that contain very little juice. If calories are a concern, mix 100 percent juice with club soda.

Among 100 percent fruit juices, orange & other citrus juices are your best sources of vitamin C, potassium and folic acid. Prune juice is a reasonably good source of iron and cranberry juice provides vitamin C, but little else. Grape, apple and pear juice rate the lowest in nutritional value. Because of this, fancy juice blends that list apple, grape or pear juice as their first ingredient will be lower in vitamin content than juices that list citrus fruit first on the label.

If you buy fortified juices, make sure you're getting more than just fortified sugar water. Calcium-fortified orange juice is a convenient way to get calcium. However, a calcium-fortified orangeade--such as Sunny Delight with Calcium--is not much better than a calcium pill in sugar water.

Beware of juice sodas and canned fruit teas. Most are loaded with sugar. An 8-ounce glass of Snapple Raspberry Royale Soda, for example, has eight teaspoons of sugar. That's more than you'll find in the same amount of Coke.
Watch the sodium in vegetables juices. V8 juice can have more than 600 milligrams of sodium per 8-ounce glass. For less sodium, look for vegetable juices with low- or reduced-sodium labels.

Take Care

Ok. Great, that's what we've been doing. So you can drink the juice with the meal if you want to? I've been tring this diet for 2 days now, my husband for 3, and we are tring to eat as much as possible, but it does seem that you feel stuffed fast! Thanks- Marie:)

HI Marie

It is fine to have the juice with your meal.  You have to do what is the easiest for you.  If you find that you are retaining water due to the increased amount of liquids then just grab some Dandelion Root and this will eliminate any excess buildup of fluids and do it very safely.

Take Care
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