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How do I know if I am over weight?

Hi Laura, I'm very confused with what others are telling me, my coworkers say I am at the right shape, my families say I am fat like a pig, my boyfriend say I'm at the right shape... I really wanna know if I'm over weight.

I'm Asian, 5"5, 140 pds. 20 years old. What do the experts on weight think?

I always think that it's healthier to start losing weight after the body has finished developing, is that true?

Thanks for your time!

Pauline I know of no studies that state a body has to be fully developed before eating healthy and losing excess fat. Weight loss when done sensibly is healthy. Your question about how do you know if you are overweight? The best way to tell is that if you can pinch more than a few inches of fat in your midsection, than you carry excess weight. Total weight is dependent on bone, muscle and fat, so weight charts are just used as a guide. A fat caliper test done by a fitness expert can help you determine how much fat you actually carry around. Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com
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