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Cereal on the South Beach Diet

1.  I don't really care too much for diets in general.  I only got on SB cuz it's more verstile than Atkins, and I got on Atkins because of my weight.

2.  *Anything* we eat or drink can be potentially harmful (the ONLY exception is good ol' H2O), so if I want fat free milk or Carb Countdown Dairy Beverage (which I only use for cereal now), and Heart Healthy Shredded Wheat, I'm gonna get it.

3.  If stevia is better people than Splenda, why doesn't the government just make *it* legal, and the big evil corporations <chuckle> can make thier preciuos profits that way?

Followup To
Question -
Are there any cereals besides Shredded Wheat and GoLean Crunch allowed on the South Beach diet?

BTW, a few months ago, I asked you about the carbonation in soft drinks contributing to edema, and you said you didn't find anything.  Well, it may have been something else, but it seems that there *is* a correlation consider the last time I tried putting my size 12/2E shoes on my size 9 feet (this was two weeks ago), I couldn't get them back far enough to get over my heel, leading me to believe that the sodas (Coke Zero) I drank the week before might've had something to do with it (My feet are normal except for the swelling on top.).  Right then, I decided not to drink *anything* other than water (and maybe milk for cereal).

You also stated that articial sweeteners are cancerous, yet the link you provided focused on Aspertame.  What about Splenda?  My mom uses it all the time.

Answer -
Hi John,

Be aware that medical research is funded mostly by folks who want to sell you products, not your gov. seeking The Truth. Getting documentation that sodas do bad things is an uphill battle. Odds are there is any number or chemicals in there could give you an adverse reaction. Carbonation seems like comparitively mild mannered. I do applaud you paying attention, listening to your own messages and do what works.

The only sweetener not linked to a load of dis ease is stevia, and that has been outlawed to use in products. Not because it is unhealthy, but because big business is big on sugar, Spenda, etc.

I think the SB Diet is a crock, also I haven't consumed cereals or cows milk in over a decade. see http://www.premiumfuel.com    http://www.notmilk.com/

3. The rights of refined sugar producers was written up before the constitution. Part of the non-sense of the Business of Government. In some 3rd world countries it is illegal to collect rain water or save the seeds from crops - must buy a product instead. Back home, the American Heart Association has been bought, and their logo appears on a few unhealthy products.

Who pays for "news"? Fast food, Jenny Craig and Tums.

I am all for business making a profit. I am also all for informed consumers. Eating real food can do wonders to the cost of health care, and oh yeah, the quality of life.

1. SB is better than Atkins, but way too much clutter and too much protein. Whole grains, fresh produce, maybe some meat, what else is there do you need to know? Most isles of the supermarket are devoid of nutrtion. Most health food stores are a joke, loaded with empty words and lots of refined sugar - linked to everything from brain loss, bone loss, athletes foot to yeast infections, and there was no diabetes before refined sugar.

2. Pasteurized milk pulls out more calcium than it leaves in. Countries that use the most dairy products have the most osteoporosis, and vice versa. Decades ago it was noted that you can't utilize the protein in milk without the presense of fat, so fat free milk is counter productive.

If you had noticed that anytime you had anything carbonated, inc. plain sparkling water, it would be more convincing what caused what you noticed. Observations are good, logical conclusions are not always the best approach - nature is not logical.  
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