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Hello Karen, I am a 26-year...

Hello Karen,

I am a 26-year old male at 6 feet and weigh about 175lbs. I am trying to figure out if there might be anything about my daily calorie intake that I need to make a change to and would truly appreciate your advice.
Typically, breakfast (6 - 7 am) comprises french toast with egg and cheese and a cup of coffee.
Lunch (11 - 12) comprises of a sandwich (Quizno's Chicken Carbonara is what I usually get).
I then go to the gym (5 days a week) and am on the treadmill for 45 mins and burn 400 calories (400 X 5 = 2000 calories/week)
Diner ( 7 - 8) comprises a bowl of cereal, Yoplait's 99% fat-free yogurt and a banana (Sometimes maybe a glass of red wine too)

Please advise me if I need to make any change (add/remove) to my diet.
Thank you.

Hi Jascha,

I'm sure you can appreciate that I can't give you a detailed diet analysis and recommendations with a quick email (normally a thorough diet analysis & report will take me about 3 hrs per client!)

The biggest thing that you are lacking in your diet is fruits and vegetables. You need at least 5 servings per day of fruits and vegetables - the typical menu you sent me contains only one!

There is lots of good information at my website on ways to increase your fruit and vegetable intake as well as general ways to improve your diet.

If you go to www.getfitwithkaren.com, then click on "Tips Sheets", I would suggest you read "Get Your Fruits and Veggies" and "Top Diet Improvement Strategies". There's lots of other tips and recipes there to help you tune up your diet!

Other websites you might find helpful are dietitians.ca, eatright.org and thedietchannel.com.

Hope that helps!


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