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3000calorie to gain muscle?i didnt understand mam.dats wat im doin,but u told me i will gain fat.wats d difference?wat will happen if i eat 60grams of protein evryday?wil it make me fat.der r people dats muscular but stil thin lyk bruce lee.i mean i want a semi huge,wide body as vin diesel but not dat muscular.

Dear Richard,
Your genetics play a great role in how you gain weight and muscle. Look at your parents weight and body type (if you can) and you will see what your genetic body is made up of. If you are thin like Bruce Lee and want to be muscluar like Vin Diesel, that's a lot to ask. Those two men have different body types. Gaining weight by eating a lot of calories will be gaining fat all over the body. Try the 3000 or more calories per day and see what happens. You have to work your muscles to gain muscle plus supply them with enough protein to rebuild them properly. A personal fitness expert, one that works in a gym, might help you better understand diet and muscle building, my speciality is weight loss for children and teens.Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com
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