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gaining weight once again

If you starve yourself long enough, is it true that your body will have trouble taking in the nutrients once you start eating again? My cousin who has been starving herself for a while, started eating again---I mean she binges but she seems to stay at a low weight. I dunno why. Is her body not taking in the nutrients from the food because she has starved for so long? She's eating a lot but ishaving a hard time gaining again.

I can't begin to explain how much self-starving/anorexia messes up the metabolism, hurts the heart, liver/kidneys, even pancreas and gallbladder. It causes hair to fall out, skin to dry and wrinkle, even teeth and bones to weaken. Some of these problems are permanent.

It destroys muscle and muscle is a major factor in metabolism. Without it, metabolism becomes sluggish and this too can last for many years, if not forever.

Your friend isn't eating right at all.  It's not a matter of binge eating, it's a matter of eating regularly and evenly throughout the day - priming the metabolism to work efficiently.
 Oddly, sometimes a dieter needs only to INCREASE their intake for them to start losing weight!

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