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How would you know if you have messed up your metabolism?

I was wondering. how would you know if you have messed up your metabolism?
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I have been in a binging problem due to the stress in my life for 8 months. Today I decided to snap out of that state of depression.
I want to stop binging and today I started exercising. I no longer want to eat all that junk because I've gained 17 pounds from it all. I ate more fruits and vegetables but I still find myself craving for the "bad" stuff. The cookies, bread, muffins, candy calls for me. I don't want to eat them so I snack on fruit instead. Is it okay to eat fruits for hunger prangs? I know binging is bad period but is it okay if I binge on fruits?
Dear Fin,

I don't think fruits is a good idea in this particular case. In my experience, it'd be better to go low carb to get rid of cravings and fruits are too high in carbs.

Later, when all is under your control, you can have them back. I think you'd benefit from a highly structured program including exercise and I do have something for you.

Many of my Banta dieters were successful on our plan. Since it's free and is online, I feel comfortable to recommend it to you. It would take pretty long time to explain the basics and details here -- and would it make any sense if it's all already there?

Please take a look at http://bantadiet.com

I'll be happy to be of any help should you decide to give it a try.

Good luck,

Tanya Zilberter

Well, the best way is ask your doctor to order a stress fitness test for you and see what's your MET number.

1 MET is the amount of oxygen you use as you sit quietly. The harder your body works during the exercise test, the higher the MET. The more METs you can reach while walking hard on a treadmill under doctor's supervision, the better your metabolism.

You can easily (but roughly) asses your metabolic _resistance_ risk if you know your blood readings from your last yearly physical exam.

Read about metabolic syndrome:

The best exercise type to fight metabolic syndrome

Endurance training to improve metabolic profile

Metabolic syndrome and mental health

There' you'll also find some advice on prevention of metabolic syndrome, which in most cases mean improving your metabolism.

Tanya Zilberter
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