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Breastfeeding and weight control

Thank you for your reply. Well, I am a Chinese, so you can imagine what kind of food is my main food. Yes, basically it is rice, vegetable and meat cooked with vege-oil.

Although it has been 3 months since I had my baby. I still have some bleeding now and then. My OB said it is normal, but wants me to take enough rest.Therefore, I am not active except 20 mins walking.

I am willing to change diet if necessary and definetly would like to increase my activity level gradually as long as I can fit into my pre-gregnant clothing!!!
The text above is a follow-up to ...

I gained more than 40 lbs during the pregnancy. I was 116lbs before pregnancy. Now my baby is 2 month old and I am still 143lbs. I jog everyday for 20 minutes, but didn't see any weight loss. I tried to cut down the calories I take, but it affects my milk amount. I wonder how I can lose weight quickly, but still breastfeed my baby well. Also, is there any weight control OTC meds safe enough for a breastfeed mom ?
Hi Jie,

I would not suggest any OTC meds or supplements. However there is a way to lose the weight quickly but I would need more info:

What do you eat on a typical day?
Other than the 20 min walk are you active in another way?

Here we go

Forget about
the way you look for a minute we will get back to that. Your body has 1
goal; SURVIVAL. It's jobs is to protect the brain to continue thought,
so it can function. It does not care how you look, honestly it would
rather be sedentary and obese. Why? because it requires less effort to

Now let's take you for example, let's say you need about 1600-1990
calories per day( hypothetical) depending on your activity level. That
is just to
function optimally, wake up go to the bathroom ,go through the day and
on and
on till sleep time and the energy it requires to keep you breathing at
night( because you still burn calories while sleeping,maybe not as many
as you do during exercise, but blood circulation and breathing burns it
up). So what happens when you cut calories out? well initially you lose
weight, but then your body adapts to that and says" hey I'll learn to
live off this amount of food". So what does someone do? they cut
calories again, so you lose a little more and your body does it again
faster, and then on top of that it figures "if you keep cutting your
calories I will have to store some of it as FAT for later, in case I
run out
of energy because you decided that you were on "a diet". So now someone
is eating very little
and exercising a lot and not getting results, why cause your body does
not care what you want to look like if you don' t take care of it's
needs first. Plus if you get lean and have some muscle that requires
energy (food) to maintain , even at rest. You see the way your look on
the outside is just a print out of what you are doing on the inside.

So what should you eat very simple, go to one of
my webpages www.Results4Sure.com, go to the contact us page fill in the
blanks and in the comments box type in free e-book, I will send you a
free copy of "the Body Fat Removal System" e-book, it will have all the
info you need.

hope that helps  
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