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i have been working out and eating right for the past two weeks i should've lost at least 4 pounds but i gained 6 pounds in 6 days. why is that? here my daily plan

breakfast a bowl of oatmeal with two slices of turkey bacon
lunch a sandwich with a bag of sun chips or a grilled chicken salad with free french dressing.
dinner baked chicken or fish with green beans and a side salad
for snack i will have fruit or a 100 calorie pack

walk for two hours
low intensity cardio
strength training
bun and thighs six days a week

Hi Genise,
6 pounds in 6 days is a lot of weight very fast.  The body can't manufacture muscle or body fat that quickly, so the weight gain has to be primarily fluid retention.

When I look at you nutrition plan I like what I see.  I do, however, suspect that the sodium content could be causing you to retain water.  The US RDA for sodium is 2,400 milligrams.  Take a look at the package of turkey bacon, lunch meat, sun chips, salad dressing, and possibly the 100 calorie snack pack.  These all have sodium in them.  Add up the amount and see if it is over 2,400 milligrams.  

If so, then I would suggest that you look for a low-sodium lunch meat.  Boars Head makes allot of varieties.  They are available in the Deli of your local grocery store.  Same with the turkey bacon.  I would also suggest that you increase your fluid intake.  Drink 60 to 100 ounces of water per day.  This will help flush out fluid from your body.  Water retention will occur if the body senses that it is not getting enough fluid.  How much fluid are you drinking per day?

I was wondering, is the list of exercises what you do on a daily basis, or do you walk one day and then do strength training on another day?  We may want to talk further about how to break down your exercise sessions for maximum benefit.  Let me know and I will advise accordingly.

Genise, don't give up.  Vacation is still coming, and you can lose weight for it.  Your weight gain is not fat.  It is not possible to gain that much fat with your nutritional intake being so good.  It has to be fluid.  Let me ask you this.  If you wear rings on your fingers do they fit tighter?  We do not store fat in our fingers, but we will store excess fluid there.  If your rings are fitting tighter then we know for sure that it is fluid and not fat.

Please let me know about the sodium content you are getting, and also the exercise routine so that I can continue to guide you.

Dr. Bret  
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