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bulging stomach

QUESTION: Hi, I was on a fruitarian diet for three years and I was 90lbs more or less. Now I've started binging and I've gaine 30 lb. I'm 115 give or take and I've developed a pot belly. My stomach makes me look as if I'm pregnant. I have a hard time controlling my binges and I want to know if my bulging stomach will ever go away. do i have to lose weight? whast can I do. My bulging stomach is so huge!

ANSWER: While I believe that your current weight is probably well within the limits, I think that doing stomach exercises are a better option than trying to lose weight.  Toning the muscles with sit-ups, crunches, side bends, leg lifts, and other proven tummy tightening exercises will pull your belly in flat.

You mentioned binges of eating.  If you are having eating binges, you might want to consider asking your doctor about eating disorders.  There are many programs that help people that have a distorted image of their body.  It might be something to look into.

Thank you for your question, Yee.  I hope that my answer was helpful.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm only 5'1'' and my stomach bulges. my back hurts. is it possible for me to lose weight again

At 5'1" and 115 lbs., you are right in the middle of normal body mass index.  So you can lose some weight but I would not advise dropping below 100 lbs.  

I still recommend strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles.  That's going to be important to prevent a belly whether you lose weight or not.  It will also prevent back problems.

Thanks for your follow-up question, Yee.  I hope that my answer was helpful.
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