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energized feeling

The only thing that wakes me up and makes me feel completely energized in the morning and never gives me a fatiguing feeling is either egg with 2 slices white bread or tuna with 2 slices bread.
No cereal that I've ever tried gave me such a satisfying,energizing and made my head feel like working like tuna or egg with bread. Why is this?
Is there anything else like tuna or egg that will make me feel energized like this?

Sounds like you need the protein to help you along in the morning. Carbohydrate foods like cereal, donuts, bagels, and pancakes make some people tired because they contain sugar. I think any breakfast, void of sugar, is a good one. Eggs in my opinion, are the perfect food. I don't know of any other substitutions for you. Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com
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