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Ideal Weight Range

Hi, I am a 5ft 3in, 15 year old girl with a small frame.  I wondered if you could please give me an idea on my ideal weight range?  I really hope you can help, thanks.


That's a tough one

Supposedly you could use the BMI with this formula:
(Weight in pounds) divided by [(height in inches) x (height in inches)] x 703

But anyone who trains knows this is skewed. Take me as an extreme example. I am 265 lbs and BMI tells me I am near dead and stage 2 obesity where as my BF tells me I am Very athletic. I have clients anywhere in between but most of them including a 4'10" female we just had here was obese by BMI standards at 128 lbs yet shes very athletic looking. The problem is she is heavy due to carrying muscle. Muscle is MUCH more dense then Bodyfat.

The best thing you could do at your age is NOT get caught up is stressing over the scale and wanting to be very light, That leads to WAY to many mental and general health problems and just worry about making god diet choices and getting your training in. You will add muscle which will make you heavier but you will be smaller. Go by how your health, how, clothes fit, your Body fat %, and your performance.

Hope That helps.
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