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Gaing weight the right way

QUESTION: My personal trainer is helping me gain weight to build alot of muscle and hes
telling me i should have like 4.000 calories a day with 3 protein shakes. My
question is can I eat something like a whopper jr? or will it be too much fat
going into me than helping me build muscle?


YES!!!!!!!!!!! you can

I am HUGE on eating good foods REAL food but people take it to far sometimes and those of us who train HARD and need the calories are NOT like the average person and we at times NEED easy calories they just shouldn't be the base of our diets.

Yes eat the whopper and even icecream or doughnuts at times

Check out my articles on www.staleytraining.com I touch a lot on this subject

and our discussion form


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yea but the thing is i have 12% body fat and the position i am trying out in football(FS)i need to be quick and fast so can i put alot of cardio in with my weightlifting?

Id put some cardio but it would be specific FAST and short sprints 40, 60, 80 and 100 meters occasional 200 I would NOT do distance running it doenst translate to your sport. You need to become powerful, strong and FAST. 12% doesnt mean anything as long as your fast and strong and BIG, Stop worrying about he scale and %'s and put your focus on your performance and the rest will fall in place.

If your powerful, strong, big, and FAST it really doesnt matte if your 20% or 8%. Everyone is different, train for your sport and performance not your physique, Pretty don't win football. Pretty happens
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