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how to lose weight and growth taller

im 14 nd ma w8 iz 65Kg nd hi8 153cm
i badly need your help!!! i need to reduce my w8 and
increase mi hi8
could u plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me
i had enuf of doz hi8 growin pillz..
i go hyper with such pillz nd i cant fi9d any other way 2 grow taller or lose w8...
lookin forward 4 ur reply

Hello Aisha

There is nothing you can do to grow taller except eat healthily.  You should absolutely NOT be taking any pills to grow.  You will grow to whatever height you need to be and not taller.  Also remember that at 14, you are still going through puberty and your percentage body fat will slowly reduce anyway so long as you don't go on any crazy diets that mess up your metabolism.

So don't eat too much fast food, enjoy what you do eat and try eat fewer processed foods and get some daily exercise.
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