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Weight loss.

Hello :]. I'm currently a junior in the IT shop at my technical high school. I'm about 5'10 or 5'11 but I'm obese at the sad weight of about 270 lbs. I have been gaining weight quickly since what seems like me entering middle school. Being in my school's IT shop, majority of my friends are computer kids and gamers who play computer games all day. They, luckily for them, have no weight problems. Not only does my weight bother me mentally, but its putting physical strain on me. I have recently been suffering back pain and pains in my side. I get mocked all the time and it's bringing me down mentally while making me feel like giving up on changing my physical status. The only time I get to see my friends is on a computer game, so outside activities aren't around much, if at all, and when they ARE around, its never anything that really helps me. I just recently started changing my diet pattern to drinking sparkling water (caffeine/calorie/sodium/aspartame free ("Clear 'N' Natural Blackberry/Raspberry Sparkling Water")) instead of soda, changed my sleep habits to 9 or 10pm to about 5am or 6am on weekdays, 8am-ish on weekends. As far as waking up goes, its going to be difficult, if not impossible, to change that but I can go to sleep earlier/later if need be to help. I eat much more fruits and veggies, Special K and Wheaties in the morning before school, and try to maintain a balanced diet. If at all plausable, I want to get on a good weight loss plan so that I can finally be happy with myself and not have to worry about what everyone else sees me as. Any response will help me and I am greatfully looking forward to a response.
Thank you in advance :D

HI Patrick

Firstly I want to say that it always distresses me to hear of teasing and mocking of anyone for any purpose.  It destroys self-confidence and I think it's so demeaning of another Sacred Being which we all are.  

Patrick - simply stopping drinking Soda is a great step forward, drinking only one can of soda a day adds 330 calories to your diet for zero nutrition.  Who knows how many pounds a year that adds.  

You say you've been gaining weight quickly - when that suddenly happens, it also indicates to me that you should maybe have a medical check-up.  Unless you can also equate this sudden weight gain to changes in the amount of calories you consumed or a sudden big decrease in exercise - there may be something hormonal going on that needs to be checked out.  

As for losing weight- the more sleep you can get the better.  You can read more about this at http://www.ditch-diets-live-light.com/sleep-and-obesity/html  The next thing is that it would be a really good idea is to  start doing something more active than just playing video games.  Even just walking regularly would help.

You've already identified that you need more fruits and veggies and I agree that would be a great idea. the other thing I think really helps is to learn how to listen to and respond to your body and you can find out out to do that at http://www.ditch-diets-live-light.com/intuitive-eating.html

Kind regards
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