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Weight loss plan and online tools for a teenager

i'd like to lose from 10-15 pounds in 1-2 months ...
right now i am 14 years old, 125 pounds, and 5'5 tall .
how many more calories should i burn/eat fewer of each day?

what kind of exercises/stretches should i do for maximum results for a jump start to my "diet" and what kind of exercises can i do during and after i have lost the weight in order to keep it off?

is it ok to eat about one fist-sized portion of white rice everyday [as a part of dinner] ... and will replacing it with whole grained rice make a difference ?

what iss pcos ?

what are some habits that i can change / add to my lifestyle? (such as drinking ___ bottles of water everyday, or taking __ vitamins)

what are some ways i can control my cravings ?

i am a vegetarian ... what vitamins should i take and how much? would a multivitamin be enough ?

what are some ways to control stress ?

is 6-7 hours enough for someone my age... even if its at the borderline ?
... if not, what i can do to fall asleep faster and easier ?

and .. i think i have IBS
what foods would be likely to trigger bloating and what foods would prevent/reverse bloating ?

i know the email's long ... so take your time answering :]
as long as its detailed ... your help is would be MUCh appreciated :D


To answer ALL of your questions, it'd take a complete individualized program. Luckily for you, I can advise you to join exactly such a program, it costs you nothing, it's online, and you'll have all tools to meet your goals. The site is http://bantadiet.com/banta and you can go to the plan from there by clicking on the 'start now' navigation button,

Good luck,

Tanya Zilberter
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