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Mass weight gain diet

Hello Phil i had some questions regarding weight gain diet for bodybuilding.im 6' tall and weigh 130 lbs. ive been researching about diets to help me gain weight and pack on some lean muscle mass. im basically trying to start a diet plan that i can stick to that will help me get some gains.ive been researching quite abit but ive had good experience from this website so i was wondering what helpful information you may have. any information or help would be greatly appreciated.if you have any questions please feel free to ask. thank you.


Your 6 foot 130. Keep it simple bud you dont need ANYTHING special you just need to learn to pack food in your pie hole I dont care what it is. You just a LOT more calories at this point from any source gain 50 lbs and then you can start worrying about what it is your putting in your mouth. There is NOTHING more anabolic then a calorie. An easy way to start would be just get yourself a Gallon of whole milk and add that EVERY DAY onto what you already eat. If your not full EAT.

training keep it short and effective, No more then 1 hour 3 days a week with BIG moves, squat, bench, overhead press, deadlift, chins and bent over rows, Maybe power cleans. get in get out and EAT and recover. You grow OUT of the gym resting and eating not in it. In the gym is just damage being done to force repair and progress.

You should join our free discussion forum, you will get lots of great advice and discussion there www.teamstaley.com start a training log. We can help with training, diet and then give advice on supplementation


I also ask you to take a look at my charity strenght event with proceeds going to support Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Look at the online raffle make a donation no matte how small they all help the cause and give you a chance of winning some great prizes at the same time
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