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B.S. in Psychology to a Nutritionist

Hello Mr. Rost,

My name is Giselle and I am a Senior at the State University College at Oneonta. I am a Psychology major but I would really like to become a Nutritionist/ Community Dietitian. I will graduate in December and I was wondering if you could offer me some advice on what would be the most logical thing I should do at this point to start preparing to become a Nutritionist. Should I begin another Bachelors program in Nutrition? Should I go straight to Graduate school? Or should I stay here at SUNY Oneonta for longer and add a Degree in Nutrition? Are there any helpful resources that you know of? What degree programs will get me to my goal? Do I need a Master's or a Ph.D?  I hope this is not too overwhelming. I just really need some answers and google is not cutting it. :) Thank you for your time.

Giselle R. C.

I really can't help you with this. Sorry. I am not a nutritionist, and as my Bio says, I really have no FORMAL education in nutrition or weight loss. I am just a self-taught weight-loss expert. I would recommend finding a college that has the degree program you're interested in and talking to one of their counsellors?OR?try a different Expert on this site that DOES have a formal education. Good luck.

For specific information and step-by-step guidelines on how to lose weight and be healthy, visit my web site for all kinds of details about proper diet, nutrition, exercise, weight-lifting routines, and more.

Most importantly, make sure to download my FREE eBook, "Rick's 18 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss."

Richard Rost

P.S. As a disclaimer, I'm not a doctor or health professional. Please seek the advice of your doctor before implementing any of my recommendations.

I hope this information helps to solve your problem. If there is ANY REASON why you won't give me a RATING of 10 please let me know so I can improve upon my answers in the future. Thank you!

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