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Cannot loose weight

First of all, thanks for answering all questions! It really can make a difference..
So, my story goes like this: it's been a year now that I've been trying to loose weigh. I'm 28 years old and work in an office. I have started going to the gym, fixed my nutrition (was actually under-eating beforehand) and made any possible change in order to reduce by BF% from 28% to something lower together with loosing a couple of kilos.
I initially gained some weight (around 2-2.5 kg) which i suppose was because i started eating normal again (from around 900 kcals/day to around 1400 kcals/day which is my resting metabolic rate). From around December, i have stopped gaining but don't seem to be able to either loose weight or lower my BF%.

A typical week of training is:
- Mon-Wed-Fri: whole body circuit workout (40-50mins)
- Tue: 40min swimming
- Thu: 40 min interval cardio
- Sat: rest
- Sun: 45-60 min cardio

A typical daily food intake:
8am: low-fat strain greek yogurt (love it! and is also high in protein) + 2tbsp granola + 1tsp seeds
10am: small fruit+low fat cheese OR half wholemeal turkey sandwitch
(workout usually between 11:30-12:30)
1pm: bananna+whey shake OR 1/2bananna+whey shake with milk
2.30pm: tuna OR chicken and cottage cheese salad (spinach, greens, cabbage, carrot)
4.30pm: low-fat strain greek yogurt + 1tbsp seeds
7.30pm: omelet(2 egg white, 1 whole eg) and salad OR salmon and broad bean salad OR beef and peas casserole with salad
10.30pm: low-fat strain greek yogurt + 1tbsp seeds + 1tsp honey

I usually drink 1 coffee a day plus lots of tea!

All in all should be around 1500 kcal/day

So, after all of that i still can't loose any weight, nor loose inches or BF%. Where do you think all of this goes wrong? It is my nutrition, my exercise routine, both?

Any suggestions would help me a lot!



No problem I enjoy helping and have for a n umber of years that's why I am in the industry :)

Whats the problem?

Id say #1 some diet changes are much needed. Id say mainly your lacking fats in your diet that can greatly aid fat loss, eat fat to lose fat. I would shift you to a more fat and protein based plan. In the stead of the ineffective and unhealthy low fat carb reliant diet. I would have you shift your grains, breads etc to green leafy veggies and a few fruits a day.   We must have fat to simply have basic life function in a healthy manner. Id swap the yogurt for a full fat version  aim to take in any appreciable carbs early in the day and then lean the carbs out as the day goes on to just green veggies. Up the fat in take from meats, your yogurt, olive oil and fish oil.

training wise I think your on a good track your base should be basic heavy resistance training, dont be afraid to load the weights on. If I were your coach I would have you venture to the free weights from day 1 as well. remember the same moves that make men big and muscular will make women tight and hot. NOT huge and bulky.

Train like an athlete, seek performance not pain. Pain is not an indicator of a good workout, progress is. Pain happens, it should not be a goal of training. It's better to make progress and have NO pain.  Aim not to go to failure. failure happens don't seek it. Aim to kick the weights butt not them kicking yours, Aim to make progress, make something that was hard easy. Start slow, even deep body weight squats and work up. Learn proper form.

I would stay in the 1-5 rep range for 3-10 sets, crisp and fast concentrics, a nice controlled eccentric, focusing on performance over pain. If you perform better you by default will look better.

I would do one press, one pull and one leg move a day really giving the moves the attention they deserve. Start with 3 days a week and tack on some anaerobic type of cardio like sprinting sessions, swimming intervals, dragging things, carrying things, playing tennis, football, basketball racquetball, a few times a week, or other brief HIIT like work.  You have NO need to run long distances to burn fat. One thing I have found very effective is simple walking as well first thing in the morning before breakfast and any time you want a relaxing walk. the fule will be 100% fat and not inhibit your later gym work if kept low intensity.

For more info you should join our free discussion forum, you will get lots of great advice and discussion there www.teamstaley.com start a training log. We can help with training, diet and then give advice on supplementation.


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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thank you for all the advice, it really helps a lot!

First of all, i forgot to say that I am 1.7m height and currently 66kg weight.

About the diet, I think you're right about the lacking of fats - i think it's still something that i need to work on, as from the days that I was starving myself and restricting dramatically the fat i was eating i find it hard to up my fat intake. I'm currently eating salmon, olive oil in salads and seeds which i think are the best form of fats. I'll try not to forget them though.
Do you think i consume enough calories or i should try to eat some more?

About exercise, i tend to do long cardio sessions first thing in the morning on Saturday and Sunday (wake up, drink a 1/2 whey shake, do around 1h on the cross-trainer/bike/treadmill and then go home for breakfast). Do you think i should stop that and do long walks instead?

One more question, is it good to do interval cardio in the morning (I usually do, 5min warm up, then {30 sec run-45 sec jog}  x 10, then 5 min jog, then another {30 sec run-45 sec jog}  x 10, then 5 min cool down) or should I do that a bit later in the day?

Thanks again a lot!

Caloric intake?? I think your good right now I would slowly raise it over time in time you should be able to consume much more and actually lose but if you ramp up fast you'll make gains you dont want.

fats sure those sources are great but I would not totally neglect the fats from lean meats and eggs etc even creams and butter. these are all very healthy. Coconut is a great one as well. just steer clear of trans fat(margarine)

I dont mind the running if you like it. If not there are more effective ways to get better body comp than long distance cardio. I don't thinks walks can replace that but they are great. In would lean to resistance training and intervals. Even hiking if you like it, something more anaerobic.

Now if your doing interval first thing in the am the one caveat is dont do it on an empty stomach. I would have some time of healthy food before you do this. Then your intervals and sprint session work. You will find that this much higher intensity work inter-spaced with walking will be a greater aid to your body fat, your looks and health. Remember dont think about the calories burnt during that's minimal and why long slow cardio is NOT as good, The thing with high intensity work is all the energy it burns from fat for hours and days after the activity. This is why you want to consume and have fuel to have the ability to do a productive session.  

that help?

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