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Weight or muscle gain?

Hello for the course of a while now I have been losing weight due to stress from school and work. I am about 5'8 and about a year ago I used to weight 160 pounds no I'm down to 130 pounds. Everyone thinks I am anorexic and i look skinny and my face looks thin. What can I do to reverse this and gain back my weight so i don't look so skinny and thing in the face? Thank you for your time.

Dear Roman,

If you mean gaining lean body mass (muscles), our question is generally here at:

Also, you might want to read the articles:


If, however, you mean adding some fat, I advise that you first figure out your body fat percent. You can do it online (it's free). Go oto http://bantadiet.com choose day 1 plan and download the calculator. After you do, please feel free to ask me another question.  Depending on your results, there can be more than one answer.

Tanya Zilberter
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