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Can you help settle a bet between my dad and I?

My dad has this theory that if you weigh the food you intake and then weigh your waste (your poo), and the weight of your poo is more than the weight of your food, then you will lose weight. In other words, he thinks a way to lose weight is to weigh both your food and waste and as long as the poo weighs more, you are losing weight.
Is that true?

That's not necessarily true.

Remember, some of that food mass is converted to energy by your body (that's how you survive). Some of the solid food is converted to liquid too, so you'd have to also weigh your fluid intake and output. Foods high in carbohydrates (like bread) will be more easily converted to energy. Foods high in fiber (like celery) will come out weighing almost the same as they went in because little of it is digested.

But most importantly, weighing your poo is just messy. :) I would never bother doing that. I do agree, however, that weighing your food with a food scale is a good way to count your calories.

However, if you want to have fun with him, you can tell him that "yes" the weight loss expert said he should go ahead and start weighing his poo. Laugh at him the first time he does it, then say "LOL JK."
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