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protein and carbs or protein

Hi i am working towards getting lean big muscles on my arms and for a six pack. i work out twice a day 3 times a week cardio and weights and one cardio two days. two days full rest. At the minute i am 11.8% body fat index i know this needs to get to abou 10% to start seeing six pack muscles.I am male, 6ft, 183lbs I currently am eating about 5-6 smalls meals a day with light snacks between (fruit or nuts) I was just wondering for one of my meals breakfast (i have a protien and carbs shake with a banana) i was wondering would it be best in morning to have a protien and carb shake or just a higher protein shake. I will be having two shakes a day one for breakfast and one after workout, please could you let me know which would be best for breakfast and which would be best for after my workout. The shakes i have are nutrisport protien and carbs all in one and nutrisport protein 90+. thanks ben priest

When it comes to SHREDDING (burning off as much fat as possible to see your abs) I recommend ONLY eating carbs BEFORE a workout.


Use them to power your workout, then when you're done working out for the day, stop the carb and fat intake. Eat only protein and veggies. That's why I usually recommend a carb-heavy breakfast (wheat toast, eggs, etc.) and then protein-heavy meals the rest of the day.  
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