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Eating at night

Most of my research on this says that a calorie is just a calorie, but I have found that since I switched my work hours to days from evenings, even though I eat the same amount of calories, usually (well under 2000 which seems low but I have always had a slow metabolism not relatyed to any health issues) I am losing weight, albeit slowly.
In fact evon on my off days, if I eat a huge brunch or early supper, even if it is over 2000 cals, as long as I dont eat in the evening, I wakle up 'feeling' skinnier.
Does this confirm mt theory that everyones metabolism is different, and mine slows in the evening, unlike my wife who eats more tham me and  snacks all night but remains slim.
Thanks for your thoughts!

Hey Bud, thanks for writing in, sorry to take some time getting back with you.

Ok to address your question, yes in essence a calorie is just a calorie. That is only in definition though. Calories come from 3 different sources, protein, fat and carbohydrate.
I won't bore you with the scientific explanation of what a calorie is.
Unless you want.

But everyone's caloric needs are different based on a variety of factors. Remember the Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps? Due to his excessive training he was eating 10,000 calories a day. You or I eat that and we would look like hot air balloons.

And you hit it on the head "everyone's metabolism is different"
I've known people in my life who are bone thin and eat enough for 4 people. Their body just responds better to it. This can be bad in ways though. If they need to gain weight they have issues and just because they can eat what they want without putting on weight, doesn't negate the quality of the food. They are still subject to diabetes, cholesterol, cardiac problems, etc.
A high metabolism should never be a free for all.

The best thing to do though to optimize your metabolism is to spread out your meals every 3-4 hours. Try not to go more than 4 hours.
I always use the example of an EKG. That's the thing on medical TV shows with the line that peaks up and down and when the character dies it is flat and you hear the long beeeeep.
Well your metabolism works that way. with people like your wife that line is always peaking.
Mortals like us need to help that line peak. So you wake up after sleeping 8 hours and the peak is low. You eat breakfast and it goes up! But the day goes on and it slowly starts to drop. So 3 hours later you eat and it shoots back up. As long as it is at a high peak then your metabolism is working.
Now lets say you eat breakfast and then don't eat again for 5 hours. Well after breakfast that peak lowers and lowers until around 2:00 you get that flat line and your metabolism is dead. Ok not dead but not working optimally either.
Think of it as feeding a fire. As long as you keep throwing another log on then the fire doesn't burn out.
So try to eat every 3-4 hours about 6-5 times a day.

And that feeling skinner is likely due to the way your body is using the calories. You eat that big brunch but throughout the day you do stuff. That's better than eating a buffet dinner then going home, sitting with the TV for a few hours then bed. You end up feeling bloated and rather uncomfortable.

Interestingly enough I am taping an episode of my fitness show today all about nutrition and calories. If you want go ahead and respond to this answer  and I can send you the link.

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