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Flat Stomach

I'm a 20 yr old male Asian.
I'm not a fat person. My only problem is the fats at my stomach area. I'm not wishing for a muscular abs, I just want to lose those fats and get a flat stomach. I don't drink beer and other alcoholic beverages, don't drink soda and I don't eat seafoods. I don't have any sports too.

Any suggestions for diet and exercise?
Also, is it bad to warm-up and exercise right after I woke up?

The tummy is the last place fat comes off. You have to get your body fat percentage REAL low in order to see your "six pack." There are no tricks for "spot reducing" fat to get a flat stomach. Just keep working out and eating healthy.

If you're comfortable working out right after you wake up, that's great! Do it. The best time of the day to work out is whatever time you like to!
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