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Weight Loss Stories – Jim Sronce Lost 134 Pounds in 7 Months

Name: Jim
Age: 51
Family Status: Married
Occupation: Manager – Recruitment and Training
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 134 pounds and 18-20 inches from my waist!
Height: 5’9″
Waist: 32″
Starting Weight: 314 pounds
Current Weight: 180 poundssuccess-stories-new-layout-jim-sronce

Jim’s Weight Loss Story!

When did you become unhappy with your weight?
Last March after a company wellness screening.

What made you decide to lose weight?
To live to see my children grow older.

What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
To eat differently and to get to optimal health.

What was most challenging about losing weight?
Staying focused 100% on the weight loss portion of the program.


How long did it take you to start to see results?
I started the weight loss on July 5, 2008 and hit my goal of 130 pounds loss on January 30, 2009.

How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
Almost 7 months (just 6 days shy of 7 months).

How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
So far, only 4 months but I’m watching what I eat and exercising regularly 5-6 times per week.

How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
I’m way more productive both at work and at home. I’m also now running 5K races to ultimately get to running half marathons.

How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
By reading ShapeFit’s motivational weight loss success stories.

Jim’s Weight Loss Tips!

Weight loss tip #1:
jim-sronce-weight-loss-success-story-1Stay focused on your weight loss program.

Weight loss tip #2:
Portion control. Measure and weigh everything.

Weight loss tip #3:
Drink plenty of water (more than the recommended 64 ounces per day).

Weight loss tip #4:
Get up and do something.

Weight loss tip #5:
Always be positive no matter what.

Jim’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!

Bowl of oatmeal or Malt-o-Meal.

Mid-Morning Snack:
High fiber bar or piece of fruit (1 apple, orange or banana).

Salad with chicken or high protein meal replacement bar (MetRx bar).

Mid-Afternoon Snack:
Piece of fruit (1 apple, orange or banana) or some protein (1 serving of nuts/almonds).

Lean & green (protein, salad and vegetables).

Snacks or Mini Meals:
Piece of fruit (1 apple, orange or banana) or some protein (1 serving of nuts/almonds).

Jim’s Weight Loss Workouts!

Weight Training:
30 minutes per workout (4 days/week):

Triceps: dumbbell kickbacks, dumbbell overhead, cable pushdowns
Biceps: hammer throws, concentration curls, standing Zottman curls
Chest: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell flyes, machine bench press
Legs: quad leg press, quad leg curls, hamstring curls, calf raises
Abs: machine crunches, planks (front & side), reverse crunch, incline crunch

30 minutes (3 times per week) started on the elliptical machine. Now, I do 30-60 minutes (5-6 times per week) on the treadmill running at 6-7 mph. I’m currently in training for 5k and 10k runs.

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